Well, it seems that our family is under attack this week.
Within the past week my mother had to go into the hospital for a biopsy for a lump on her neck (no results yet) and my step-mom had a biopsy done on a mass found in her lungs (she has lung cancer).
Then today I woke up with a very bad feeling. I told Trista I thought something bad had happened to my sister Erin and I was going to check the online newspaper for the town she's in now. I then called my other sister Carla and wished her a Happy Birthday. I didn't mention the feeling I was having, because I didn't want to ruin her day with my "craziness".
After the birthday wishes, Trista and I took the kids to the Central Firehouse so we could tour the building and the kids could "see the fire twucks". We all had a blast...sirens, lights, and kid size fire helmets. As we were loading up the kids in the car my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Carla. I figured it must be pretty important since we had only talked a couple hours before. One of her dogs had been hit by a vehicle...that didn't stop. She heard the yelp, but by the time she made it up to the road, the driver was gone. We drove up and met her and my brother-in-law Jason at the animal hospital. Jade, the dog, was in very bad shape. They ended up having to put her to sleep. Carla and Jason live in a pretty rural area. There are only about 15 houses on her entire road and the only people who use the road are her neighbors.
Now, I'm not sure what is going to happen next, but I'm praying. I'm praying for peace and for that quiet calm in the storm. So far it's worked, but it definitely took some deep breaths today. The big brother in me wanted to drive up to her town and knock on everyone of her neighbors' doors asking for information. I am still very angry about it. There is just way too much irresponsibility in the world, way too much SIN and sins which all leads to way too much hurt in the world.
Please pray.
God, give me the words to say to minister...give me the people to minister to...and help me keep the LOVE of Christ in my heart.