
New General

So there it is then...all done...only took 8 days! I am disappointed that the leadership didn't take that BIG step and elect the first black General Israel Gaither, or even another woman.

Don't get me wrong, I think Shaw Clifton is a great man of God, but sometimes we need to take that leap. The Army is still sooooo far behind the times.


Kapten Clark said...

Are you suggesting that MacMillan wasn't elected BECAUSE she's a woman? Or that Gaither wasn't elected BECAUSE he's black?

I've been wanting Clifton for years, and I'm thrilled!

I agree, the time for a white man from the West to be General is definitely fading. It won't be long before it is someone from the African continent!

But I believe that the High Council is led by the Spirit of God, and that each person there truly listened to the Lord and did what He wanted.

Clifton is God's choice.

bedemike said...

It seems Comm. Clifton is the man for the hour. So many wanted to see Comm. Gaither in that chair that I think they may have lost sight of everyone else. We are in God's hands - and in the good hands of a godly man.

I'm not sure the election of Comm. Clifton indicates that "the Army is still sooooo far behind the times." (did I put the right number of o's in "sooooo"?). Give the man some credit - he's a lawyer (among other educational achievements), been stationed around the world (Africa, Pakistan, NZ, Massachsetts!), is the TC in one of the biggest territories in the world (if not the biggest), and is passionate about God and the mission of the Army. We all love Comm. Gaither, but I think the HC elected the best-qualified person for the job. To me it seems just right for the times.